Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Turner Field and Atlanta Braves

 We were surprised to hear and see that the Braves will soon be getting a new stadium.  Turner Field seemed like a nice place to us.  There was low attendance .  I wonder if it will be better with a new ball park. 

 They had a special ceremony in honor of veteran's of the Vietnam War as it was the 40th anniversary of the end of that war.  

Although we don't usually eat fast or fried food, the options were slim so we each had a Chick-Fil-A Sandwich. I was pleasantly surprised how tasty they were.  We watched the Braves defeat the Phillies 7-5. It was 7-4 until the 9th until we got to watch Atlanta's version of Rodney. The go ahead run was at the plate. Jodi named him Brodney combining the Braves and our beloved Mariner's closer. We had a couple fun experiences, for the first time we got on the Jumbotron but Jodi missed it. We had 3 young girls (mid 20's) come up and one was so happy that we were from Seattle area (she was from Yakima but her friends made her wear a Braves shirt.) They asked us if we were visiting all 30 parks, and one of them said, “See, I called it.” They were sweet and it was funny. 

 The Braves make a big deal out of the Tomahawk chop.  I hope it isn't offensive because it seems like a fun tradition So much more fun than the wave.. Overall a fun evening.

 Driving back was another story, there was so much traffic, we got herded on to the wrong freeway and direction twice but eventually made it back by midnight after a dark and frustrating ride.

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