Monday, May 18, 2015

Merritt Island and Canaveral National Seashore

Tuesday, May 12
Day 35

What a fabulous and unexpected day. We decided not to go to Kennedy Space Center as we had previously had been to NASA in Houston and didn't want to pay $46.00 each considering there were lots of other things to do. Amy and Steve told us to head up to the Canaveral National Seashore which turned out to be fabulous. It is the longest stretch of undeveloped coastline on the eastern coast  of Florida and is directly north of the launching pads at Cape Canaveral. It was initially set aside as a security measure because of the Space program but also is habitat to over 500 animal species and 1000 plants. 

 We initially took the Wildlife drive which is a 7 mile drive through the wetlands. We saw many birds including a roseate spoonbill and 2 alligators, one small and one quite large. 

Roseate spoonbill, regrettably not a great photo

 After the drive we made our way to the visitor center and saw a nesting osprey and heard the alligators bellowing. It is mating season!  We found out what else to see and drove to a boat launch where the manatees were mating and feeding. This has been on Jodi's bucket list for a long time. When my dad lived in Florida, I visited several times and always looked out for manatee when we were out on his boat but never saw one. This trip we made a special trip to the Tampa Electric Plant where they winter but it was closed April 15. I figured I was out of luck again until today. We were within just a few feet of them feeding and frolicking in the water. There were at least 20 of them.


 Very interesting and bizarre looking creatures. Seemed like a mix of part walrus, part seal and part rhinoceros. I understand however, that they are evolutionally related to elephants and apparently at one time believed to be land animals. We were observing the manatees with another couple.  Jack started talking to them and they were traveling for 6 weeks in the USA from the Netherlands. They seem especially interested in seeing wildlife and had visited our country 4 different times and enjoy camping. We got their email as they are going to be in the Pacific Northwest in September. Maybe we can get together. We told them about the Affordable Travel Club so we will provide them with information. We then drove down another dirt pot holed road in search of alligators. We drove in about 4 miles and didn't see a gator until we turned around and got within 100 yards of the exit. Haha. We did however see more roseate spoonbills. It is really interesting to watch them fish. They move their heads back and forth in the water, stirring up the bottom. If you have never seen one, I recommend looking them up and checking out their bills. Very cool. We then went out to the wild Atlantic ocean beach.
Beach at Canaveral National Seashore

 Very beautiful and crazy currents. Jodi went swimming and was taken several hundred yards down the beach and got jostled around in a few waves. Overall it was very fun.  We are so thankful that Amy and Steve told us all about Merritt Island/Canaveral National Seashore!

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