Sunday, May 17, 2015

Fort de Soto to Rockledge

Monday, May 11
Day 34
We woke up in the campground after an interesting night. At about 4:30 in the morning, we woke up to a crash. Even though Jodi knows better, we failed to put our coolers in the car last night. I looked out the tent and saw at least 3 sets of beady little eyes staring at us as we shined our flashlights. I threw my water bottle toward them, which did absolutely nothing. I'm actually surprised they didn't walk over and pick it up. The raccoons had knocked our small cooler off the picnic table and were rolling it away through the woods! They had made it about 10 feet. While Jodi put the big cooler in the car, Jack stood banging his shoes against the picnic table until they finally gave up. Somehow, they never got the cooler open. If they had, they probably would have eaten our sandwiches and popped a beer to wash it down. What a riot, that will teach us! After coffee and showers, we packed up and went back to explore the park without all the hoards of people. The beaches and parking lots were now essentially empty. Ahhh, how nice. 
The beaches look a little empty and different from yesterday

 We explored the historic Fort de Soto and then went back out on the fishing pier. There were some people fishing, and some trying to net their bait fish but having a lot more difficulty than last night.

Fishing pier
Thousands of bait fish but they would disappear when the fishermen threw their nets

 We ended up talking to 2 older men, fishing buddies, who had caught several mackerel that they proudly displayed to us. They told us about the dolphins, whom of course we love to see and they hate to see. They explained that they sit out there and wait for a fisherman to hook a fish, then they follow the fish as they reel in and often at the last minute they grab and eat the fish and leave the head for the fisherman to haul in! Now that is a different perspective! One of the men was a snowbird, who would be headed back toward Chicago area in the next couple of weeks. After leaving the park, we stopped back in St. Pete's for ice and a coffee and then hit the road east toward the Space coast. We arrived in Rockledge, Florida to our new ATC hosts, Steve and Amy. Steve was in the Navy, retired and then taught high school and college American history. Amy taught as well. They drive an electric car, which they drove us in to a restaurant where we had a nice dinner. Jack had sushimi and Jodi a tuna filet sandwich. Both were great. Jodi worked on the computer and Jack was traumatized when he discovered that he had lost his glasses. The only possible spot was the bathroom at the campground. He does not see well without his contacts when he takes them out. We scheduled an eye exam tomorrow evening for him. I am guessing they will find his glasses when they clean the bathroom.

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