April 26
up to great breakfast of egg scramble with bacon, green chilis,
cheese, and watermelon and toast. We took off
toward old town and made it in time for Mass at San Felipe de Neri at 10:15.
The church was started in 1706! The current church building, built in 1793 is on the National Register of Historic Places. It was Good Shepherd Sunday and we
were reminded that we need to keep listening for the voice of the
good shepherd, one of the reasons to go to weekly Mass, which reminds us of why we go to Mass when we are traveling.
We walked around some shops in the
old town and then had a great lunch at . It had a cream of green
chili soup with chicken and Jack had a brisket and sausage sandwich
with BBQ sauce. We then headed for the Albuquerque Museum of Art and
History. It was a lovely way to spend a rainy afternoon. We learned
a lot about the people of New Mexico and the history of Albuquerque.

After that, we drove to University of New Mexico. We happened upon some of the Gathering
of Nations ceremonies. We thought we had missed all of that as the
newspaper said it was over on Saturday. I am sure this was smaller
than what went on Friday and Saturday, but it was still a treat to
see some beautiful Native American ceremonial dress.
We went out for
a New Mexican dinner at Sadies which is known for their Hot food. It
was great, Red and green chili sauce. Yummy. Back to Pat and John's
for blogging and emailing..

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